Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Continuation of yesterday's post:

Another road that I want to take is one that will lead me to opening my own bakery/café. I’ve been laying out all the plans including finding the perfect location, testing new recipes and coming up with a name. I have it all planned out, I just don’t have the money for it. And I’m really hesitant about leaving my current job because it pays so well and I’m afraid of losing that source of income for me and my honey. But I’m really tired of my job. It’s pretty tedious and boring most of the time. And it’s kind of hazardous to my health. So for now my plan is to stay where I am until I can afford to have a reduced income, which is going to be like 5 years down the road. 

My only problem is that I don’t know how to fit everything in. I am a planner. I always have a plan for everything. I get it from my mom, unfortunately. I have been constantly updating my plan for my life the past few years, and I’ve realized that there is so much I want to do, but I don’t know how to fit it all in without burning myself out. I want to have kids, but how do I do that with a bakery? I want to have a bakery, but I don’t have any money for it. I want to buy a house, so should I put the money I have been saving towards a house or towards my bakery? Where can I fit in my plans for a vegetable garden, plans to start a school, plans to be a foster parent, plans, plans, plans!

Do you have any specific plans for your life or are you more a fly by the seat of your pants kind of person? Let me know more in the comment section!

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